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Kamis, 24 April 2014


ËThe Name Of Palembang
There are versions of Indonesian folklore tale that became the Palembang , Indonesia in general and in a version history .
-       Indonesia in General
According to the history of Indonesia, at that time the kingdom of Srivijaya being a loss leader. Because , Duke Ario Damar died , while Raden Fatah and Raden Hasan has been moved to Java. This led to confusion in the minds of the people of Srivijaya itself. However, Sunan Gunung Jati then came to the Duchy of Sriwijaya. He advised that soon will come from domestic Chinese student group named Pai Li Bang. According to Sunan Gunung Jati, Pai Li Bang is a reasonable figure replaces Ario Damar, because Li Bang Pai is in his native country was a minister of the country experienced in the field of state.
Because the Indonesian tongue a little difficult to mention foreign words, Li Bang Pai absorbed name into Palembang. Yes, that's a bit of history on the origins of the name Indonesia Palembang.
-       In a Version Historis
When Putri Ayu Sundari and his retinue are still in Bukit Seguntang Mahameru, there is a boat that crashed in South Sumatra Coast. Passengers were three brothers, sons of Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain.
All three men survived death, and stranded in the Mount Seguntang Mahameru. They were greeted by Putri Ayu Sundari. One of the eldest son of Raja Iskandar Zulkarnai, namely the Sapurba then married to Putri Ayu Sundari and his two brothers married the daughter of the family.
Because Hill Seguntang Mahameru dwells in Malay River. Thus, the Sapurba and his wife claim to be Malays. Their offspring later developing and participating in local activities Lembang. Lembang more famous names.
Then, when people want to Lembang would always say to Palembang. The word " pa " in Malay parents show area or location .
There, the economy grew rapidly. People crowded flock to the area. Musi River and River Banyuasin a strong trade route known to other countries. Lembang name was changed to Palembang.
Thus, the origin of the name is based on version Palembang Indonesian folklore. Although according to mainstream Indonesian history, the reality may not be as told.
ËThe Name Of Surabaya
Formerly, in the vast ocean frequent fights between Shark Sura with Crocodile. They fight over prey scramble. Both are equally strong, equally competent, equally smart, equally ferocious and equally greedy. Already many times they fight nobody ever wins or lose. Eventually they entered into the agreement. The deal is to divide the territory into two. Sura ruled supreme in the water and had to find their prey in the water, while crocodiles in power on land and prey must be located on the mainland. As the boundary between land and water, is reached by sea water at low tide. The deal was approved by both.
With the division of the territory, it is no longer a fight between Sura and Crocodile. Both have agreed to respect each region. But one day, Sura Shark prey in the river. This is done in secret so as crocodiles do not know. At first it did not get caught. But one day Crocodile caught deeds Shark Sura. Certainly just very angry crocodile sharks Sura broke his promise. Shark Sura who feel no guilt calm. "I violated the agreement? Was not this river berair. But, I've told you, that I was a ruler in water? Now, the river is right there is water, so it also includes regional power," Shark said Sura. "What? River right place on the ground, while the area of ​​your power in the sea, meaning the river is darerah my power!" Crocodile insisted. "Can not. I did not tell you that the water was only sea water, but also the river" said Sharks Sura? "You deliberately asking for trouble, Sura?" "No, I think the reason is quite strong and I was on the part of the right!" Sura said. "You deliberately palming. I'm not as stupid as you think!" Crocodile said getting angry. "I do not care you stupid or clever, which importance of river water and sea water are my power!" Sura did not want to lose. Because no one wants to budge, then fierce battle between Sura and Crocodile Shark happen again.
The fight this time more fun and awesome. Jump and pounce on each other, biting and hitting each other. In an instant, the water around it becomes red by the blood from the wounds of the two animals. They continue to fight tooth and nail without a break. In this fierce battle, Crocodile Shark Sura got bites right at the base of its tail. Furthermore, its tail was forced to always bend to the left. While fish Sura also bitten her tail until almost severed, and Sura fish back into the ocean. Crocodiles have been satisfied to maintain the area.
The battle between fish shark called Sura and Crocodile is very memorable in the hearts of the people of Surabaya. Therefore, the name of Surabaya has always been linked to these events. From peritiwa is then made that the symbol of Surabaya picture "sura fish and crocodiles".
Ë - The Name Of Salatiga
Salatiga is thought to be named either after the goddess of Trisala, or after the three wrongs done to the first king of Semarang.
In the first explanation, the people of the village celebrate the goddess of Trisala called the village Trisala and in the years to come became Salatri and eventually Salatiga.
The second explanation is based on the story of Ki Ageng Pandanaran, the first regent of Semarang, who was robbed by three muggers, and he thus named the location Salah Telu.Salah means wrong in both Indonesian and Javanese. Telu is Low Javanese for three, as istiga in both the more refined Middle/High Javanese, and in Indonesian. Hence the name Salatiga from Salah Tiga.
Ë - The Name Of Kendal
Kendal name is taken from the name of a tree that tree Kendal. Leafy tree that has been known since the time of the kingdom of Demak in 1500 - 1546 AD ie during the Reign of Sultan Trenggono. At the beginning of his reign in 1521 AD, Sultan ruled Trenggono to book Sunan Katong Heritage to Pakuwojo.
Events that give rise to conflict and resulted in the deaths recorded in the inscription. Even today the tomb of the two figures in the history of Kendal is located in the Village District Kaliwungu Protomulyo was still sacred society at large. According to the story, Sunan Katong ever looked stunned Kendal beauty and shade trees that grow in the surrounding environment. Kendal trees while enjoying the view of the apparent "juice" it, he said that in the future the area will be called "Kendalsari". Big tree by the citizens mentioned are on the edge of Kendal Youth Jln was also known by the name Kendal Growong because the stem hollow or growong.
Of the story is known that the name Kendal used to mention a region or area after Sunan Katong call. Naming story was supported by travel news The Portuguese are by Tom Peres said that in the 15th century on the
 North Coast of Java are well-known port is Semarang, Tegal and Kendal. Even by Dr. H.J. Graaf said that in the 15th and 16th century history of Java's coast has a very important meaning.
ËThe Name Of Malang
Malang City Indonesia, has the history and origins of the public needs to know in Indonesia and around the world. History Malang city Indonesia preceded by a wise king and very scared, Dewasimha name. He keeps a glittering palace and sanctified by the holy fire Putikewara (Ciwa). Blessed is the King Dewasimha because the gods have bestowed on her a son as heir to the crown. Son who later became the royal patron named Liswa or also known as Gajayana. Gajayana a king who was so loved by his people, virtuous and in doing good to the pastor and verily, verily devoted to the sage Agastya.
As a sign of sincere devotion to the sage, the King Gajayana had built a gorgeous temple to mahresi well as to be an antidote to all diseases and plagues the kingdom. If his ancestors had made Agstya of sandalwood statues, the king Gajayana as expressing devotion and respect has ordered the famous carvers throughout the kingdom to make a statue of Agastya beautiful black stone, so that all can see it. Agastya statue Kumbhayoni called it, on the orders of the virtuous king was inaugurated by the Regveda, the Brahmins, the leading priests and the people of the land who are experts, in Saka, Nayana-Vava-Rase (682) month right Magasyirsa on Friday, half-light.
He is the mighty King Gajayana it is a very religious respect for the clergy. Awarded to their land and their cows are fat, some buffalo, slave men and women, as well as the various necessities of life such as bathing soaps, material presentation ceremony, big houses full of survival supplies such as: the Brahmins and in guests, complete with clothes, bedding and rice, barley. Those who obstruct the will of the king to give gifts like that, good brothers, the sons of kings, and the First Minister, then they will be harmed by bad thoughts and will go to hell and not going to gain power in world or in another world. He, on the contrary always pray and hope that his descendants rejoice in the gifts, pay attention to the holy spirit, respect for the Brahmans and devout worship, to do good, to run the victims, and study the Vedas. Hopefully they keep the empire’s incomparable as the King has been keeping.
Gajayana king had a daughter who would continue Vamcakula Uttejena wise father. The above story is the history of Malang city Indonesia, lifted from one inscription called “inscription Dinaya or Kanjuruhan” according to the name of the village is mentioned in the charter. As noted therein, this inscription contains elements dating in candrasengkala which reads: “Nayana-vaya-rase” Çaka worth 682 years or 760 years after Christ. If the inscription was issued by King Gajayana in the year 760 AD, then at least the inscription is the oldest written source about the facilities that the political establishment Kanjuruan empire in Malang. The place is now known as Dinoyo located 5 miles west of Malang city Indonesia. In this place according to residents there, still found Dewasimha sculpture set amid the market despite missing almost sank into the ground.
Malangkucecwara derived from three words, namely: Mala, which means everything is dirty, fraud, falsehood, or falsehood, Angkuca which means destroying or destroy and Icwarayang means God. Thus Malangkucecwara means “a false DESTROY GOD”. In the unfortunate history of the city of Indonesia, Malang name has been ingrained for its residents. But the name is still a question mark. While historians continue to explore the sources to get the right answers to the above statement. Until now it has acquired several hypotheses regarding the origin of the name of Malang. Malangkucecwara symbol is written in Malang city Indonesia, according to one hypothesis is the name of a sacred building. The name of the sacred building itself is found in two inscriptions of King Balitung of Central Java which Mantyasih inscription in 907, and the 908 inscriptions found in one place between Surabaya-Malang. However, where the location of the actual shrine Malangkucecwara, historians still get the deal. The building where the suspected party is in the holy mountains Buring, one that ran in the mountains east Malang city Indonesia where there is a mountain peak named Malang.
History is full of Malang city Indonesia puzzle, proving the truth of these allegations is still ongoing as it turns out, to the west of Malang city Indonesia there is also a mountain named Malang. The other party actually suspect that the location of the sacred buildings of the region, Overlapping, one place in the northern city of Malang, Indonesia. To date in the area there are a village named Malangsuka, which some historians, probably derived from the spoken word Malankuca reversed. The above opinion is also corroborated by a number of ancient buildings that were scattered in the area, such as temples and temple Jago Left, both of which Singasari royal relic. Of the two hypotheses mentioned above is also uncertain Which is presumably earlier known by the name derived from the name of Malang shrine Malangkucecwara it. Is the area around Malang now, or do both mountains are named Malang around that area. A copper inscription found at the end of 1974 banh plantation, Wlingi, southwest of Malang, in the written part as follows: “………… taning sakrid Malang-akalihan wacid opponent spur pasabhanira dyah Spleen Makanagran I ………”. The meaning of the above sentence is: “…….. in the east where hunting around Malang with wacid and Mancu, rice Dyah Spleen is ……… ”
From the sound of it turns Malang inscription is one place in the east of the places mentioned in the inscription tiu. Of the inscription is obtained evidence that the use of the name of Malang has existed at least since the 12th century AD. Previous hypotheses, may differ with the opinion that the suspect Malang name comes from the word “Denied” or “hinder” (in Javanese means Malang). Once Sunan Mataram who wants to spread its influence to the East Java have tried to occupy the area of ??Malang. Residents of the area to fight a great war. Sunan Mataram therefore assume that the people of the area to obstruct, deny or poor on purpose Sunan Mataram. Since then, the area was named Malang.
Ë - The Name Of Pekalongan
The name of Pekalongan as was disribed by local society hereditaryly for some version. One of them was mentioned at a period of Raden Bahurekso as Monarchic commander figure of Mataram. In the year 1628, he got comand of Sultan Agung to attack VOC (Vereenigde Oost Indishe Compagnic) in Batavia. So he struggled to ossify, even early by fasting like bat (Javanese : topo ngalong) in forest of Gambiran (now : Gambaran village, it's situation around bridge of Anim and countryside of Sorogenen).
In its hermitage is narrated that Raden Bahurekso lured and bothered by Dewi Lanjar along with all unvisible soldier which represent its follower. But all obsession of Dewi Lanjar along with all its follower can be defeated even bowed to Raden Bahurekso. Then Dewi Lanjar, representing courier Queen of Roro Kidul or Queen of Coast South set mind on do not return to Coast South, however then request permission to Raden Bahurekso to remain around this region. Raden Bahurekso fulfill this request even Queen of Roro Kidul also aggreeing it. Dewi Lanjar allowed to remain north coast of Central Java. It is said palace situation of Dewi Lanjar located is coast of Pekalongan side river of Slamaran. Since that time, the area is famous for the name of Pekalongan.
In other version was mentioned that name of Pekalongan came from local term of HALONG-ALONG with the meaning galore result. So Pekalongan referred as also by the name of PENGANGSALAN with the meaning of luck. Name of this Pengangsalan is the reality also there is in chronicle of Mataram (Sultan Agung), that is : Gegaman wus kumpul dadi siji, samya dandan samya numpak palwa, gya ancal mring samudrane, lampahe lumintu, ing Tirboyo lawan semawis, ing Lepentangi, Kendal, Batang, Tegal, Sampun, Barebes lan Pengangsalan. Wong pesisir sadoyo tan ono kari, ing Carbon nggertata".
Its meaning : " Weapons have been collected into one. After altogether ready to, all soldier ridden away to sail. The sailing is no desisting of passing Tirbaya, Semarang, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Batang, Tegal, Brebes and Pengangsalan. Everybody coastal area nothing that under developed (they leave to prepare x'self in Cirebon to go to Batavia utilize to invade VOC Dutch)"

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